audio with realistic timbre
ETF.23 information page
Email to: etf.22.23.24 [at]
Tel Guido: +31 6
Tel Rob: +31 6
Telephone numbers will only be shown during festival.
ETF.23 theme
Enhancing sound
November 8-12, 2023
Kasteel de Berckt,
de Berckt 1,
5991 PD Baarlo (Limburg)
the Netherlands.
Tel: +31 (0)77 477 1385 (for non ETF issues only!)
Coordinates: 51.34276420972806, 6.1120133538902
Google Maps

How to get to Baarlo by public transportation?
1. By train to train station Venlo.
2. At Venlo train station take bus 377 Arriva heading for Roermond.
3. Leave the bus at stop de Berckt.
4. Walk for about 7 mins the last 550 meters to your final destination..😂
See the map at the bottom of this page.
Parking during festival
For unloading and loading ETF stuff, P3 may be used.
P1 must be used during festival itself!
See map below this page for locations.
Payments, room keys and t-shirt
At P3 climb the stairs to the first floor of the castle, that is the entrance. In the hallway, first room at your left hand is were you pay and get your key and t-shirt. See also the map at the bottom of this page.
Same as ETF.22!
Room (Single room) for 1 € 520,- /person.
Room (Double room) for 2 € 420,- /person.
Room (Dormitory) for 2+ € 320,- /person.
Prices include meals and coffee/tea during the festival.
Pavements and accessibility
All premises around the castle are cobblestones! Please take this into account when moving stuff around on trolleys.
The location itself is "wheelchair friendly", though not every room or place may be reached easily due to the age of the castle..
Interesting places nearby Baarlo
Maybe worth a visit?
Vinyl manufacturing machines
Venlo Boekend
Egerbosweg 233
5227 NM Venlo-Boekend
From wax-roll to DVD - Museum
tel 077 – 38 21 223
Marcel Lenders.
Stereo "sound enhancer".
Process and modify the sound in any way you can to improve the experience!
- Operates in analog domain,
- Minimum of 1 triode / channel as active element in the audio chain required,
- Line level in (max 2V),
- Gain 0 dB (+/- 3dB in the range of 20Hz - 20kHz), loaded with 47KΩ,
- Input impedance > 47KΩ,
- Output impedance <1KΩ,
- DC free inputs and outputs,
- Cinch / RCA / phono input- and output connectors,
- Phase inverting,
- 230V AC mains powered (C14 connector)
- Powered by externally available lab supply (150 to 300Vdc, max 100mA, 2x6,3Vac max 2A each). Use 4mm banana terminated wiring in this case (red "+", black "-", pair green = 6,3Vac, pair blue = 6,3Vac)
- Bring your own external supply (powered by 230Vac mains, C14 connector).
- A classical analog stereo set up is available for the shootout, as is some fine music.
ETF attendance list for ETF.23.
Below here is an overview of names invited for registration.
Received registration information has been updated up to see bottom of this page.
We aim for using the same rooms as last year, can not make any promises though! So please check carefully..
Payment requests will be sent out in the last week of September. When paid for the first half of the amount using Paypal for friends, you are in. This is marked by an x under the column In?. This is done manually, so please give us some time to update the table!
At Wednesday evening a meal will be available. You can join if you had indicated to do so at registration.
On Thursday / Friday / Saturday three meals will be served.
Diets will be indicated by staff.
On Sunday we'll have an extensive brunch in the opposite building.
Daily routine, times
Diner Wednesday: 1900-2030
Breakfast: 0830-0930
Lunch: 1200-1300
Diner: 1730-1900
All in the local restaurant..
Sunday breakfast/lunch: 0900-1100
In the big facility on the premises (not in the local restaurant)
Bring your own beverages during lunch or diner!
If needed, breakfast-to-go for Sunday morning will be available (let us know at start of ETF!)
All lectures and shootout to be held in the attic.
Auction will be held in the attic as well: Please bring stuff to be auctioned to the attic yourself!
WiFi for guests
Free WiFi is available throughout the whole premises with exemption of rooms 70-90. That part/corner of the building has bad WiFi reception (use cellular network instead).
A small elevator is available that will go to all levels (entrance is second level).
Dimensions of lift floor: approx 100cm x 100cm x 200cm high.
Max payload 300kgs.
Soda etc will be supplied for at the two bars throughout daytime and evening by staff. Beer pump will be open at those two bars for self service. See map below for location of the bars. These are open at all times!
All drinks will be paid for at during Saturday's diner with fair use in mind. You decide how much on basis what you consumed! This may be in cash, but also by Paypal at etf.22.23.24 [at]
Beer will be from the local brewer Gulpener. A glass will cost €2. ETF will pay per liter.
Soda will be bottle poured, €1,50 the glass. ETF will pay per bottle.
Price of a bottle of red- or white wine will be €14 → Only per bottle, not per glass. ETF will pay per bottle.
Stacking glasses for beer and soda (0.2L) as well as wine glasses will be available at the bars.
No liquor available at the bars: Bringing your own locally brewed stuff will be highly appreciated!
Remark! We will have to clean our own glasses!. Please do so, do not leave dirty glasses everywhere!
For this reason two bars will be open: In the Cellar and at the Grand Café. In the cellar an additional room is created with a bar.. Quite cosy and comfy, we saw.
Coffee/tea machines are constantly available at no extra costs!
You will get yours at start of ETF together with room key at final payment.
Is only allowed outside the castle. There’s a huge inner garden and when it is cold, there will be a nice fire. We have noticed a big partytent to keep you dry. The climate may even allow us to lunch outside&ecl;
The Auction
Please bring stuff to be auctioned for ETF funds!
The auction master (who will that be?) will make this a real happening!
All items bought must be paid for at the end of the aution in Euros using Paypal. Direct payment using our ETF.22.23.24[at] PayPal email address is mandatory.
Local weather forecast
Weeronline website for people who might want to plan for a walk or so..
AC power plugs in NL
Planned programme
We aim again for a relaxed programme, no hurry, nothing simultaneous. Maximum time for socialising, discussing, solder slinging, building.. what ETF is all about..
We think we have some nice subjects and speakers on the list, see below.. No band will be planned for, we did not miss one at ETF.22.
Date | Timeslot | Location | Activity | By whom | Subject | |
Wed Nov 8 | Earlybirds |
1500-1900 | Setting up systems | Registered | ||
1830-1900 | Attic | ETF opening ceremony! | Registered | Some opening words and house rules | ||
1900-2030 | Diner | Registered | ||||
Thur Nov 9 | Arrival |
0830-0930 | Breakfast | All | ||
0930-1200 |
Flea market & open bars in Cellar and |
Setting up systems | All | |||
1200-1300 | Lunch | All | ||||
1300-1600 | Setting up systems | All | ||||
1600-1700 | Lecture | JC Morrison | The world is more like it is right now, than it has ever been before | |||
1730-1900 | Diner | All | ||||
2000-2100 | Lecture | Jacek Grodecki | Full range drivers and distributed resonance cabinets | |||
Fri Nov 10 | 0830-0930 | Breakfast | All | |||
1000-1100 | Lecture | Rudolf Moers | Determination of the primary output transformer impedance | |||
1200-1300 | Lunch | All | ||||
1400-1500 | Lecture | Jan Didden | It's all inside your head | |||
1600-1700 | Lecture | Morgan Jones | FET foibles | |||
1730-1900 | Diner | All | ||||
1930-2230 | Shoot-out | All | If needed in two sessions with break! | |||
Sat Nov 11 | 0830-0930 | Breakfast | All | |||
1000-1100 | Lecture | Pete Millet and Chuck Michelin | Fieldcoil, supplies and demo | |||
1200-1300 | Lunch | All | ||||
1400-1500 | Lecture | Uli Brüggemann | Crosstalk & Co. - Thoughts about analog sound | |||
1530-1630 | Lecture | Thomas Dunker | Clear and present midrange | |||
1730-1900 | Diner | All | ||||
1900-2000 | Auction stuff to attic! | All, of course.. | ||||
2000-2200 | Auction | All | ||||
Sun Nov 12 | Break-up |
0700-0900 | Breaking up | All | ||
0900-1100 | Brunch | All | ||||
1100-1330 | Breaking up | All | ||||
Map of the Castle de Berckt.
First floor or ground level
Second floor of first level
Third floor or second level
Attic or attic (see below for new room photos!)
Map of the castle property
From bus stop de Berckt to the castle