Made as a Western Electric 205/d replica. Looks marvellous! Compared to the original it is really a replica: The inner structure is alike, includig the glass rod and the way the electrodes are placed and constructed. A beauty! The replica is slightly taller than the original and is also available with UX4 base and also draws little more heater current.

Than the most interesting part: The Psvane easily outperforms Full Music in terms of soundquality, it has better tone, is quiet and less microphonic(!). The Psvane sounds like the Western Electric, really! What the lifetime is? Really don't know.. so that might be the sole reason to source a NOS Western Electric..

A pair 205d Psvane will set you back about 650 Euro at this moment.. a Western Electric NOS pair 205d about 2000 Euros (based upon (ridiculous) Ebay auctions).