audio with realistic timbre


Final 2020 project..(4)
December 31st, 2020 22:38
All components are placed and chassis is ready to slide into the wooden chassis. As always I like to be able to take the metal part out of the wooden chassis for service (or mods).

Input wiring, both MM and MC are laid out separately close to the copper faceplate. All connections between the sockets are in place. Power supply capacitors will be mounted above the sockets.
Final 2020 project

Power supply capacitors are now in place and final connections are made. Circuit is kept very compact.
Final 2020 project

A simple input switch for both sources. The resistors are in fact grid resistors determining the input impedance as well, as the MC step-up tranformer is part of the circuit.
Final 2020 project

Tommorow some testing, checking voltages and so on. Nice start for 2021!