audio with realistic timbre


February 20th, 2016 10:48
Just put up an idea for a compact RIAA-correction amplifier design, based upon my last design. This a build in progress, now presenting the idea and in due time the build..  Read more...
February 2nd, 2016 21:09
Wrote an impression about the unbelievable postive effects of the Spatium Audio netfilter modules.
Way cool! Love them, can not miss them anymore.. See for the article:&nb  Read more...
December 27th, 2015 0:43
Got some very nice products from I/K Audio: A record clamp and 2 pair binding posts. Craftmanship in wood with leather, uniquely designed!
I/K Audio products
December 23rd, 2015 8:04
Got these in for a review.
First impression is really stunning! ..and technical above my comprehension.. ;-)
I will write a report asap.
Clavis netfilters
December 4th, 2015 14:43
Wrote an impression about the Schick graphite headshell..

November 21st, 2015 12:21
Bought me a Schick headshell at ETF to match my SPU Royal N..
Schick graphite headshell
November 21st, 2015 8:56
Just back fromETF in Denmark. Great time with great people. Talked a lot, learned a lot and drank a lot.  ;-)
See for a very good report with photos and even some movies Thomas Mayer's blog..   Read more...
October 25th, 2015 20:19
Could not resist it: Toroidy transformers from Poland. Good looking toroid power-, output- and choke-transformers. Finally some iron to put the long ago purchased 6C33C's to work. Decided to go mad and go